Upcoming Events:

Monthly meetings are held at Planting Fields Arboretum's Main Greenhouse Classroom unless otherwise noted:

Upcoming meetings:

March 16,2025 Chapter Meeting, 2PM

April 26-27 Planting Fields Festival

May Garen Tours-to be announced

May 21 tentative Bayard Cutting Rhododendron

                               walking tour and lunch

June 5-8, 2025  ARS Convention, Nova Scotia

August  Summer Social to be announced


     Bud Gehnrich        Rest in peace old friend                         


2020 Virtual Garden Tour Photos

2022 December Luncheon photos

2023 Flower Show Results


We now have a planting instruction video on this website.  Click on the FAQ link and then when that pops up, click on #14 Planting Instruction video.



A "Good-Doers" list of hybrid and species rhododendron are now available.  Click on FAQs and click on the appropriate link.  


The New York Chapter, centered on Long Island, NY, is one of many chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and the World that encourage interest in and disseminate knowledge about rhododendrons and azaleas. We provide a medium through which all persons interested in rhododendrons and azaleas may communicate and cooperate with others through education, meetings, publications, scientific studies, research and other similar activities. Our Chapter is an enthusiastic group of people who volunteer their time and energy towards the success of the organization.